第1節 ホイアン周辺の地形と河川 : 1997年度第1回調査報告(第9章付篇)(V 付篇)(ベトナムの日本町 : ホイアンの考古学調査)
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Geomorphological survey of Hoi An and its environs was carried out to clarify the following issues; 1) Geomorphological background of the decline of Hoi An and development of Da Nang after the 17th Century, 2) Geomorphological conditions of archaeological sites around Hoi An. This is a preliminary report of the field study which was carried out for ten days in March 1998 by Oya and Kubo, with members of Showa Wemen's University in Tokyo and Ha Noi National University. Hoi An town is located near the river mouth of the Thu Bon (drainage area: 10.350 km^2). Geomorpological features of the Thu Bon River Basin is summerized as follows: (upper and middle reaches) mountain slope + erosional basin + gorge + pediment + valley plain (lower reaches) natuarl levees and back marshes + delta + coastal ridges According to the geomorpholotical map by Vu Van Phai and Dang Van Bao (1989), and a brief reconaissance and the imterpretation of US-satellite photos, the lower Thu Bon Plain contains Pleistocene marine and fluvial terraces, alluvial lowlands along the Thu Bon river, and coastal ridges (sand bars and sand dunes). The Thu Bon River shows braided pattern with many former river courses and sand bars because of its dominant sandy loads. In the 17th Century many trade ships came to Hoi An from Da Nang, via the De Vong and Co Co rivers. However Hoi An Harbour has been abondoned since then because of the French colonization which supported Da Nang, and siltation of rivers around Hoi An. Sea-level change related with the global climatic change during the Little Ice Age may be concerned for the change of geomorphological conditions. Further investigations will be needed with Vietnamese scientists including Dr. Vu Van Phai in Ha Noi National Uinversity to cralify the geomorphological changes which caused historic change of Hoi An town, preparing Geomorphological Land Classification Maps showing historic changes of river courses and the coastline. Geological analyses on the alluvial deposits of the plain will be also important to reveal the environmental change of the arca.
- 昭和女子大学の論文
- 1998-03-31
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