Adult Salinity Tolerance and Larval Salinity Requirement of the Freshwater Shrimp Palaemon paucidens in Japan
Kijima A
Tohoku Univ. Miyagi Jpn
Kijima Akihiro
Laboratory Of Integrative Aquatic Biology Field Science Center Graduate School Of Agricultural Scien
Kijima Akihiro
Education And Research Cener Of Marine Bio-resources Graduae School Of Agricultural Science Tohoku U
Kijima Akihiro
Education And Reserch Center Of Marine Bio-resources Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Tohoku
Kijima Akihiro
Laboratory Of Fish Genetics Aud Breeding Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Kijima Akihiro
Field Science Center Grad. Sch. Agr. Sci. Tohoku Univ
FUJIO Yoshihisa
Department of Fishery Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University
Kijima A
Tohoku Univ. Oshika Jpn
KIJIMA Akihiro
Department of Fishery Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University
Kijima Akihiro
Department Of Fishery Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Department of Fishery Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku University
Fidhiany L
Department Of Fishery Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Fujio Yoshihisa
Department Of Fishery Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
Fidhiany Lucia
Department Of Fishery Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tohoku University
FUJIO Yoshihisa
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Osaka University
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- Polymorphism of Catalase Isozyme in Porphyra
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- Adult Salinity Tolerance and Larval Salinity Requirement of the Freshwater Shrimp Palaemon paucidens in Japan
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- Enzyme polymorphism and Population structure of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas
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- Genetic Variability in Decapod Crustacea
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- Selective advantage of heterozygotes at catalase locus in the pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas.
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