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[Author abstract]The number of vertebrae is very differentiated among the teleostean fishes, though the number is usually stable for the species. The composition between the number of abdominal and caudal vertebrae also varies considerably in many species through the various levels of taxa. However, the tendencies of the specific differentiation in the composition of the vertebral number can be divided into two groups and seven types, which were supposed here on the basis of taxa, such as the family, suborder or order. One group is called here as the total vertebral number stable group (TS group). This group is divided into two types: (1) the abdominal and caudal vertebral number stable type (ACS type) and (2) the abdominal and caudal vertebral number reversely correlative, total vertebral number stable type (ACRS type). The other group is called here as the total vertebral number variable group (TV group). This group is divided into the following five types: (3) the abdominal vertebral number variable type (AV type), (4) the caudal vertebral number variable type (CV type), (5) the abdominal and caudal vertebral number correlatively variable type (ACCV type), (6) the abdominal and caudal vertebral number reversely correlative, total vertebral number variable type (ACRV type) and (7) the abdominal and caudal vertebral number non correlative, total vertebral number variable type (ACNV type). Some of the representative or typical taxa of the respective types were indicated by means of a graphic method, based on the data cited from various authors. The relations between the differentiation in the composition of the vertebral number and the phylogeny and relationships of cirtain teleostean fishes were discussed.[著者抄録]真骨類の脊椎骨数は種類によって著しく分化しているが、同一種内ではほぼ安定している。また、腹椎と尾椎の数的構成(脊椎骨数構成)も多くの種類で異なるが、科以上の分類群を単位として、脊椎骨数構成の分化の傾向を想定すると、次の2群7型に大別される。すをわち、A. 全脊椎骨数安定群(TS群) : (1)全安定型(ACS型)、 (2)逆相関安定型(ACRS型) ; B. 全脊椎骨数変動群(TV群) : (3)腹椎骨数変動型(AV型)、 (4)尾椎骨数変動型(CV型)、(5)相関変動型(ACCV型)、(6)逆相関変動型(ACRV型)、(7)非相関変動型 (ACNV型)である。これらの各型の代表分類群として、ACS型ではタイ科・イトヨリダイ科・フエフキダイ科・フエダイ科 (Fig. 1, A)、チョウチョウウオ科(Flg. 1, B) ; ACRS型ではブダイ科(Fig. 1, C)、二ベ科(Fig. 1, D) ; AV型ではトビウオ亜目(Fig. 2, B)、ホウライエソ科(Fig. 2, C) ; CV型ではムネエソ科(Fig. 2, C)、ウシノシタ亜目 (Fig. 3, C) ; ACCV型ではダツ科 (Fig. 2, B)、サバ科(Fig. 2, D) ; ACRV型ではAphyonidae(Fig. 2, E)、ワニトカゲギス亜目(Fig. 2, C) ; ACNV型ではコイ科(Fig. 1, E)、ハゼ科(Fig. 1, F)などがあげられる。また、真骨類における脊椎骨数構成の分化の傾向と、類縁関係や系統分化との関連性について論議した。
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1977-03-15
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