純粋実践理性の動機について(1) : カント倫理学の構造(8)
- 論文の詳細を見る
"Kant asserts that the incentive which makes humans head for moral act is their feeling of respect for the moral law. The moral law exists a priori as the law of reason and directly determines the will. But it is merely formal and has not any content. Therefore the law itself has not any reference to human feelings. According to Kant, the morality is not grounded on feelings and desires, but rather on negation of them. The morality is grounded on the observance of the moral law. Then what motivates the human will to the morality? Kant maintains that the moral law determines directly the human will, forming the law of the will, which prevents feelings and desires from intervening the exercise of the will. It arouses the feeling of displeasure in the human mind, but it realizes the moral law, arousing the feeling of respect at the same time. This feeling of respect for the moral law is the incentive which makes the will head for the moral act. The feeling of respect for the moral law also arouses Interest in the morality in our conducts. And this interest undergoes logical scrutiny through the maxim of conduct, breeding consciousness as to whether the maxim applies universally or not. That is to say, the interest provides a way in which the moral law realizes itself in actual condusts. Kant calls this series of the movements of mind the true 'Moral Sentiment'."
- 宇都宮大学の論文
- 2001-10-01
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