- 論文の詳細を見る
The Purpose of this study is to clarify the contents and features of Government Plan for Sport, Performance Measurement for the Development of Sport, and Active Britain- A Manifesto for Sport and Recreation etc. which were published by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, the Sport England and the Central Council of Physical Recreation respectively. As the DCMS pointed out, for the first time in the history of sport development in Britain, government policy-making involved the people who actually work in sport at all levels - in schools, local authorities, communities, national governing bodies, administrative bodies, sports charities and equity groups. In this article, I will try to grasp some points of network of sports actors, which are trying to influence the future of sports policy direction using their own resources. The findings of my study can be summarized as follows. The first point is that the DCMS is increasingly establishing pluralistic routes for sports actors and is emphasizing importance of marketing and self-responsibility. The second point is that competitiveness among actors is intensified. The third point is that there is a correlation between the public sectors (DCMS, Sport England, UK Sport etc.) and voluntary sectors (CCPR etc). The fourth point is that actor's networking tendency requires cooperation between both sectors. And the final point is that the DCMS is required to get results concerning the fruits of implementation of sports policies.
- 宇都宮大学の論文
- 2001-10-01
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