器官培養法を用いた口腔顎顔面の組織発生機構の解析 : 肝細胞増殖因子の多様な役割
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The oral and craniofacial regions consist of a variety of tissues including highly differentiated cells originating in different germinal layers. During embryonic development, cell growth factors control migration, proliferation, and differentiation of these cells. Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is expressed in the first branchial arch, an anlage of oral tissues. The present review describes the multiple, important roles of HGF in the development of Meckel's cartilage, mandibular bone, teeth, and the tongue as shown by immunohistochemical techniques, RT-PCR, and antisense inhibition experiments using mandibular organ culture models. The results of these experimentssuggest that i) HGF promotes the proliferation of osteoblasts and their progenitor cells, and initiates increases in mandibular volume by membranous ossification, ii) HGF promotes the proliferation of chondrocytes of Meckel's cartilage and accelerates cartilaginous growth in length, iii) The degeneration of Meckel's cartilage with chondrocytes hypertrophy is induced by the decrease in endogenous HGF during the later stage of development, iv) HGF is essential for the migration of myoblasts in the tongue during the early stage of development, and aglossia is induced by inhibition of myoblast migration, v) HGF promotes myoblast proliferation in the tongue.oral developmenthepatocyte growth factorosteogenesisMeckel's cartilagetongue myogenesis
- 東北大学の論文
- 2002-12-27
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