- 論文の詳細を見る
Two hundred subjects from the housing project members supported by the Amagasaki city were evaluated for the activities of daily living (ADD and Functional Independent Measure(FIM). The subjects were divided into two groups, the reconstructed group, and the non-reconstructed group.(82 men,118 women, their mean age-72.2). Each member of two groups were to answer the following questions regarding FIM questionnaire, (the hall-ways, stairs, living room, kitchen, bathroom, restroom, and the entrance). The non-reconstructed group who did the remodeling of their entrance, living room, was higher in FIM score than the reconstructed group. The non-reconstructed group's score were significantly lower than the constructed group who did not remodel their bathroom, restroom, hall-way, stairs and kitchen. Thus, remodeling of their home is most important element of maintaining their mental and physical functions of daily living.
- 九州保健福祉大学の論文
- 2003-03-25
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