京都の祇園祭の社会学的再考(中間報告) : リスク社会における(祇園祭)の文化的再生産をめぐって
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This paper is the interim report of the ongoing research "sociological study on Gion Matsuri in the modern society" which is supported by the foundation of the Ministry of Education-Science. In the first place, I intend to take up and examine some booklets of Gion Matsuri that Yasaka Shrine and the Yamaboko Rengo-kai (Foundation for Gion Festival Preservation Associations) publish every year. In 869, the first Gion Festival (Gion Matsuri) took place and this festival was called "The Gathering of Gion Spirits (Gion Goryoe)". Gion Festival in the modern society consists of the procession of the portable shrines (the Sacred Carriages) and the grand procession of Yamaboko (the floats). In the second place, I am planning on ordering a large number of existent studies on Gion Matsuri according to the following five themes. "Yasaka Shrine and Gion Matsuri", "Yamabokocho and Gion Matsuri", "History of Gion-belief", "the social and regional structure of Kyoto City", "Public health and Prevention against the epidemic of disease and sickness". In the third place, I intend to reconsider the basic characteristics of Gion Matsuri in the modern society from three points of view which are called the frame of references of public health, risk society, cultural reproduction. From a beginning related to check the epidemic of disease and sickness, the Gion Festival has become an expression of the joy and fervor of the people of Japan. In modern risk society the people feel strong anxiety for their safety and are uneasy about the future. In order to prevent disease, prolong life, and promote physical and mental health, people may not only depend on the science and art of public health, but also pray to the gods and Buddhist of Gion to help them. And then the common people in Yamabokocho which have the spirit of Machishu (town people) are willing to continue to celebrate the Gion Festival.
- 神戸女学院大学の論文
- 2003-12-20
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