- 論文の詳細を見る
In the former part of this paper, I reconsider and arrange the various theories of risk society. Sociologist Ulrich Beck in "Risikogesellschaft,1986" and Anthony Giddens in "The Consequences of Modernity, 1990" claim that we enter upon the new stage of modernity which is called the reflexive modernity of contemporary risk society. This self-destructive phase of risk society is caused by new environmental problems, a nuclear war, economic disaster (the Great Depression etc.), atomic energy that we ourselves have manufactured. Then being based on the social constructionism of the system theory, Niklas Luhmann show how various risks divide people according to decision makers and those affected. And social philosopher Francois Ewald from the standpoint of the governmentality approach proposes the thesis that the modern welfare state (assurance society) insures people against some losses, protects individuals from economic disaster and environmental dangers. But Ewald also claims that we enter upon the new stage of assurance society and precatuionary principle which may be called risk society. In the latter part of this paper, being based on the working frame of reference of some theories of risk society I examine System of the Comprehensive Planning for Hikone City that is made up of the master concept, the master plan, the basic environment ordinance, the basic environment plan and regional action plan etc.. This System describes the direction and doctrine of civic life and city develpoment, which the citizens of Hikone will lead up to the year 2010. Amidst great social transformation taking place in Japan what we have called the reflexive modernity of contemporary risk society, Hikone has encountered various problems. Thereupon Hikone government and citzens are trying to reform the social structures of Hikone from a global viewpoint and make Hikone "peaceful and active place to live" on a strong basis of cooperation between all members.
- 神戸女学院大学の論文
- 2003-07-20
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