- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of temporal smoking cessation on performance and physiological parameters during incremental exercise in eight young male smokers (16.9±7.0 cigarettes per day). Four of the 8 subjects were free to smoke the cigarettes after getting up on the day of first experiment (S : smoking condition) and did not smoke on second experiment (N-S : non-smoking condition), and the other four subjects were carried out in reverse order. Physical performance (endurance time and total work) was tested with braked bicycle ergometer, which work rate was increased every 2 minutes by 180 kgm untill exhaustion under both conditions. Endurance time and total work were significantly increased by 38 sec (3.6%) and 995 kgm (7.9%) under N-S condition as compared with S condition respectively. The Vo_<2max> and blood lactate concentration immediately after exhaustion were same levels under both conditions. However, the resting and exercise heart rate, and ventilation after 10 min (720 kgm/min), Vco_2 after 12 min (900 kgm/min) during incremental exercise were significantly lower under N-S condition than those under S condition. These results suggest that temporal smoking cessation on light smokers dose appear to reduce physiological resposes during incremental exercise at heigher work rate, and to enhance endurance performance.
- 新潟国際情報大学の論文
- 2000-03-19
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