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国立情報学研究所の「学術雑誌公開支援事業」により電子化されましたThe activities of the so-called 'Rehab-School' and 'Visiting Team' for stroke patients and their families were organized by public health nurses and physical therapists in the early 1970s in Aomori prefecture. The purpose of this report is to identify activities involving community-based rehabilitation (CBR) in its earliest stages in Aomori, and to discuss its influence today on educational research issues. Method: In July 1998, a follow up study was performed by a physical therapist (author) and a public health nurse at Tenmabayashi village in Aomori prefecture, fifteen years after CBR activities began. In interview, two spouses of stroke patients who survived for fifteen years after suffering from a stroke, said that 'Visiting Team' activities gave disabled people better functional abilities and improved their quality of life, and that this had influenced local government policies and strategy for the disabled in their area. Conclusion: The physical therapists in Aomori had a so-called 'intellectually hungry mind' even though there were only eleven members of their association in the 1970s, and their activities were widely recognized not only by the disabled but also by the local community.We need to have more appropriate methodology for assessing CBR activities, and it is necessary to have well-constructed curricula for teaching CBR at college level.
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