- 論文の詳細を見る
The financial policy of Ikeda (the financial minister of the first Konoe cabinet) wavered as to which to put the priority, the acquisition of foreign currency or the Yen's money flow in East Asia. Ikeda considered the matter in its all aspects, and at last introduced the Special trade link system in December, 1938. He declared by his decision that he thought the former aim more important. On the other hand, by the effects that the second world war broke out Pound's currency rate declined suddenly. And following this, the Zhong Guo Lian He bank (the Chinese United Bank) which had been supported by Japan was forced to cut off its currency (new Legal tender)'s link to Pound in Decembr, 1939. At that moment, consequently, Japan also lost the most reliable means to keep the stability of Yen's money flow in China by asking for help by a pro-Japanese Chinese polity there. Ikeda's financial policy was already stalemated in front of the gateway to the East Asian Yen block.
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