- 論文の詳細を見る
One hundred and forty-four undergraduates rated goodness or complexity of repetitive patterns,which were formed by five genetators,i. e.,translation,glide-reflection,reflection,rotation through π,and rotation through π/2. The element-figure of each pattern consisted of eight dots and formed cyclicor dihedral groups. The repetitive patterns were classified into twelve types of wallpaper groups,ρ4m,pmm,cmm,pm,cm,pmg, p4, p4g, p2, p1, pgg. The results were summarized as follows: (1) whenthe generator was changed from translation into glide-reflection in each pattern,the pattern goodnessdecreased,whereas the pattern complexity increased. (2) when the orientation of repetitive pattern wastilted by 45 deg,the pattern goodness and the pattern complexity were independently increased.depending upon the type of element-figure. (3) the pattern complexity that had collinear or circularelement was rated as being the simplest. It was concluded that the pattern goodness and the patterncomplexity were determined by local structure of the element-figure and global structure of therepetitive pattern as well by the orientation of pattern and by the feature of element.
- 徳島大学の論文
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