<原著>英国における理学療法サービスの質管理 : (第2報)理学療法サービスの業務評価
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Clinical audit IS an important mechanism for facilitating continuous quality improvement inphysiotherapy services. The objective of this report is to introduce the clinical audit in physiotherapy in theUK to Japanese physiotherapists. Clinical audit involves systematically looking at the procedures used fordiagnosis, care and treatment, examining how associated resources are used and investigating the effect carehas on the outcome and quality of life for the patient (Department of Health, 1993). Clinical audit is a cyclicalprocess, involving the identification of a topic, setting standards, observing practice, comparing practice withstandards, implementing changes and monitoring the effect of those changes. Topics for clinical audit usuallyfall into three categories - structure, process and outcome. The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)published the clinical audit tools to improve the quality of clinical care in 2000. The tools compare practicewith the core and service standards that were published by the CSP at the same time. The benefits of clinicalaudit are not only leading to better quality care for patients but also encouraging good practice, such asthoughtful planning for daily practice, maximizing department resources, making staff study and boostingteam morale. There are three principle characteristics of quality management of physiotherapy services in theUK; adoption of total quality management, emphasis on involving patients and users in healthcaremanagement, and synthetic strategies by the CSP.
- 雑誌レビュー "Physiotherapy"(2002版)まとめ
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- 3.これからの臨床実習と学生評価の視点 : 英国の臨床教育に学ぶ(専門領域研究部会「教育・管理系」)
- 英国における理学療法サービスの質管理 : (第2報)理学療法サービスの業務評価
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- 障害高齢者の杖歩行能力に関連する筋力と関節可動域
- 101. 寒冷積雪がおよぼす在宅脊損患者への影響
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