- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to construct an International Nursing curriculum through an analysis based on a questionnaire survey taken from participants of an oversea's short-term credit exchange program between the School of Allied Medical Sciences, Shinshu-University and Faculty of Health Sciences, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia. Two methods were used : first of all, we analyzed the questionnaires that were taken soon after the study-tour of oversea's short-term credit exchange program had been completed. Secondly, we conducted a literature review on this subject, using 3 key-words such as International nursing, Transcultural nursing, International nursing curriculum. Analyzing the materials taken from the above two methods, the following were the results that we obtained : 1) Two out of the 3 purposes of the study-tour of oversea's short-term credit exchange program were almost attained. 2) The nursing program should be based on the concept of international nursing. 3) It will be necessary to prepare an individual program for reflecting his ability and demands. 4) The pre study for the study-tour will provide good results.
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