天然および養成アユ Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis の味覚応答
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Gustatory response of wild and cultivated ayu Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis was recorded from the facial nerve supplying the anterior palate. The lowest threshold was noted for arginine at <special>10-6~10-5M</special> in wild and cultured fish. The threshold for histidine in wild ayu, was similar, though one order higher for cultured fish. ATP-related substances were fairly effective. The threshold values for AMP, IMP and UMP were around <special>10-4M</special>. NaCl stimulated the receptors weakly. Sugars were not effective at <special>10-2M</special>. Relative stimulatory effectiveness at <special>10-2M</special> of 20 amino acids was compared for wild and cultured ayu. Response magnitude for these amino acids was closely correlated with that for histidine in each group (p<0.001). The regression coefficient of cultivated ayu response for wild ayu response was 0.69, suggesting higher histidine response in the cultured group. Student's t-test further indicated arginine and proline response to significantly differ (p<0.05). Whether this was due to genetic differences of the two groups of ayu or other ecological or physiological conditions is not known. Samples of algae on which ayu feed were collected from the river where the ayu were caught, and analyzed for free amino acids. Several amino acids were found at concentrations above the gustatory threshold.養魚飼料の嗜好性向上のための基礎研究として,アユの味覚器の餌生物エキス成分に対する感受性を電気生理学的に明らかにした。味覚神経応答を記録した結果,アユの味覚器はアミノ酸,核酸関連物質等の餌生物エキス成分に対して高い感受性を示すことがわかった。アミノ酸20種のうち最も閾値の低かったのはArgとHisで,いずれも<special>10-6M</special>付近であった。<special>10-2M</special>における刺激効果の比較では,Arg,His,Glu,Trp,Lys,Ala等に強い応答を示した。核酸関連物質では,AMP,ATP,CMP,IMP,UMP,Ino等に応答し,ヌクレオチドに対する閾値は<special>10-5~10-4M</special>であった。琵琶湖産種苗を養成したものと,三重県宮川で捕獲した天然アユを比較したが,各物質に対する応答性に大きな差異は認められなかった。宮川で採取した付着藻類のエキスを調製し,その味覚器に対する刺激効果を調べたところ,きわめて高い刺激効果が認められた。アミノ酸分析の結果,Ala,Arg,Glu,Met,Phe,Orn等の刺激成分が閾値以上の濃度で存在することが推定された。しかし,アミノ酸画分のみではエキス自体より刺激効果が弱く,他に有効成分が存在することが予想された。
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