<Original Article> A Stability Study of 6-Phosphogluconate Dehydrogenase Types in Bloodstains
Oya Masakazu
Department Of Legal Medicine Yamanashi Medical College
Oya Masakazu
Department Of Environmental Health Faculty Of Medicine University Of Yamanashi
Kido A
Department Of Legal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine University Of Yamanashi
Kido Akira
埼玉医科大学 医学部法医学教室
Kido Akira
Department Of Oncological Pathology Cancer Center
Kido Akira
山梨医科大学 法医
Kido Akira
Department Of Legal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine University Of Yamanashi
Komatsu Nori
Department of Legal Medicine, Yamanashi Medical College
Ose Yukiko
Department of Legal Medicine, Yamanashi Medical College
Kitahara Nobuo
Department of Legal Medicine, Yamanashi Medical College
Ose Yukiko
Department Of Legal Medicine Yamanashi Medical College
Komatsu Nori
Department Of Legal Medicine Yamanashi Medical College
Kitahara Nobuo
Department Of Legal Medicine Yamanashi Medical College
Komatsu Nori/Ose
Department of Legal Medicine, Yamanashi Medical College/Department of Legal Medicine, Yamanashi Medical College/Department of Legal Medicine, Yamanashi Medical College/Department of Legal Medicine, Yamanashi Medical College/Department of Legal Medicine, Y
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