N・ドラマール『ポリス概論』と「教育」 : 18世紀フランスにおける統治理論と家族
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This paper is a historical study on the police of family and education at the beginning of the 18th century in France. The police was, according to N.Delamare in his Traite de la police, understood as public laws and orders for regulating and supporting each habitant. His work treated of wide ranges concerning the life of people ; religion, moral, health, food, security, science & liberal arts, commerce, manufacture, servants & domestics, highway and pauper. One of the sources of police was fundamentally the law of nature which consisted of three principles ; religion, self-love and sociability. His thought of general police stood in the connection between self-love and sociability, in other words between privacy and publicity. Duties of police was usefully explained related to the idea of family, as little States and seminar of the State. The family was said to be public as well as particular in the expressions. It proved to be proper for police. It was very important for police to govern and protect marriage, procreation and education. The education meant, in his Traite, the formation of children's mind by correction and recompense founded in the parental authority. The family and education was not only regulated by the society and the State, but gave some models to them in the theory of police. Seminar of the State is significant, where police must view over every life restlessly just as education of children. Namely Delamare's police could be thought of "grand education" of many little States in the State.
- 東京大学の論文
- 1996-12-20
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