- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate the spiking motions of senior high school players, and to collect the informations of skill training. The spikers who played in the finals of the 1995 Inter-high Hiroshima Preliminary were filmed at 80 f. p. s. with two 16mm cinecameras and a VTR. 22 three dimensional coordinates for the segment endpoints and a ball from the start of the approach run to the end of the swing in the air were computed by the Direct Linear Transformation Method. The results were summarized as follows : 1) 63.80f the attack by the male players and 84.40f the attack by the female players were such spikes as the ace player in the team hit the high set. The average height of the high set was 5.l7m. 2) the finger height at the impact, the jumpping height, and the ball velocity just after the impact were 3.09m, 82cm, 21.65m/s on the average in the case of the male, and were 2.60m, 57cm, 18.88m/s in the case of the female. 3) After the normalization and averaging of the relative displacement data for the body segments, the standard deviation from averaged motion was calculated. The downward swing movement of the arm during the take off, the backward swing movement of the arm and leg in the air, and the placing movement of the arm just before the impact were different from player to player.
- 1996-12-28
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