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Japan, which has pursued rapid economic growth, has also suffered major consequences in terms of pollution. At the U. N. Convention on Human Environment and Development in Stockholm, Japanese pollution victims used their own tragic experience to appeal to the world to heed the importance of environmental preservation. The antipollution movement has cleveloped into a large scale community movement through the force of major pollution law suits. This paper look at policies which seek to resolve some of these environmental problems through the newly-enacted Environmental Preservation Act which concerns illegal waste disposal and toxic waste.The number of local governments which have hegun focusing on waste disposal lssues has increased in recent years. This is a reflection of the fact that local governments are more likely than the national government to listen to and incorporate opinions of their residents.Following the UNCED, the Japanese government tried to enact an Environmental Preservation Act appropriate to the new era of global environmental protection. During the logislative process, however, modifications were made by govornment agencies to protect existing corporate interests.In creasing numbers of people including many in international oganizations, are coming to understand this problem. Legal actions alone cannot hope to resolve all environment waste issues without the involvement of locally-based citizens movements. Globally-directed eftorts will hopefully create a new global era where in sustainable societies guarantee world peace, ecological stability, and human rights. It is felt that in order to contribute to the solution of environmental problems, the Japanese government most work toward the establishment of environmental rights and the passage of legislation for realizing sustainable development. In this way protection of human rights is interconnected with the environmental protection movement.
- 地域環境保護と個人情報(下)
- 産業廃棄物不法投棄と刑事的制裁の展望
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- 中国における未成年者に対する死刑適用
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- 地域環境保護と個人情報(上)
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- 少年の死刑事件 : 千葉地裁平成6年8月8日判決に関する一考察
- 死刑問題の最近の系譜
- 『死刑廃止にむけての市民的及び政治的権利に関する国際規約についての第二選択議定書』に関する報告書(続)
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- 環境保護と刑事制裁の限界
- 『死刑廃止にむけての市民的及び政治的権利に関する国際規約についての第二選択議定書』に関する報告書
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- 死刑廃止にむけての市民的及び政治的権利に関する国際規約についての第二選択議定書
- 受刑者の処遇理念と拘禁形態
- 死刑廃止をめざす国連の議定書--明らかになった国際社会の潮流
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