- 論文の詳細を見る
Environmental problems have signaled an urgent need for corresponding plans for problems of the human-race. In a society affained by high economic growth, in which there is a great deal of consumption and disposal, people tend to place an emphasis on surface values such as the pursuit of profit, convenience and comfort. In this climate it is easy to become distracted from crucial matters of the environment and social charge. What is needed is to establish "a society sensitive to environment problems" adopted at the Earth summit. For this purpose it is necessary to enact punitive laws in order to protect the environment. However, there are limits these laws can have in gaining the deslred effect. In this paper the illegal disposal of cars is considered as a means of redefining the categories of crime Cars are disposed of illegally essentially because convenient locations for this purpose exist. In an investigation of environ mental criminology, Cohen and Felson note that these acts are most likely to occor when 1) there is a clear motive 2) no one is around to observe the act 3) the location is known to the criminal. Brantingham also mentions that the location is most often an area freguented by the perpetrator. Carter and Leech confirm this and add that the location is one the prepetrator feels is most convenient or desirable for the act. In light of these findings, ways of perventing envioron mental crimes are considerd for the cities of Sakura, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Yokohama and Yokosuka and others.
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