インターネットにおける有害情報とその規制 : 福岡県青少年健全育成条例を中心として
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In recent years, the Internet has spread rapidly. Tens of millions of Pieces of information exist on the Internet and much of it is excellent, especially, in for example, art and science. On the other hand, illegal information and improper information, too, flood the Internet and have become serious problem. Above all, with regard to the prevalence of pornographic information on the network, the inherent characteristic of the Internet-that anyone can access anything accessible has created a problem. In Japan, the problem is of greater seriousness due to the fact that there are no laws which prohibits such information transmission at present. So, these on the receiving end of such pornographic information may be immature young people. As is well-known, regulation of the sale of pornographic books to minors was given to local governments. However, the regulation doesn't affect information on the Internet, where the influence seems to be bigger than that of pornoographic books. This regulation was revised in March, 1997,in Fukuoka prefecture. In order to regulare pornographic information on the Internet, in this revision, it demanded mainly self regulation on the part of the provider. This paper considers the new regulations of Fukuoka prefecture regarding pornographic information on the Internet and the effect of this regulation in Japan.
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