<論文>山間部のゴミ処分場建設と飲料水問題 : 上流域住民vs.下流域住民
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Recently a number of private waste disposal companies have constructed numerous final disposal sites in mountainous areas far from Tokyo. This construction boom has come about as a result of a demand from underpopulated rural districts and because of the lack of any local movements against the construction. This study investigates the case of a final disposal site at Yonezawa city near the boundary between Fukushima prefecture and Yamagata prefecture. This site was constructed five years ago in a mountainous village named Itaya located in the southeastern part of Yonezawa city at the upper reaches of the Matsukawa River. This river is the source of drinking water for Fukushima city, which is located downstream from the river. Judging from this location, between the upper and the lower reaches of the river, it is understandable to see how some residents downstream in Fukushima city are worried that this disposal site might someday become a source of contamination of their drinking water. For this reason, they have started a movement against construction of the site in Itaya. Legally however, they are not entitled to oppose the construction because they are not residents of Yonezawa city. Because of this, downstream residents in Fukushima city can not deal effectively with the site's construction. I propose that both local goverments of the upper and lower reaches of the river take collective responsibility to keep the source of drinking water clean, and to change city limits in consideration of water resources.
- 敬愛大学・千葉敬愛短期大学の論文
- 中国内蒙古での3年間(1998〜2000年)の植林ボランティア活動報告書(要約)
- 中国内蒙古での3年間(1998〜2000年)の植林ボランティア活動報告書
- 2002〜06年間の中国での植林ボランティア活動報告書
- 中国での植林ボランティア活動で考えたこと : 多国解決主義としてのボランティア活動
- 山間部のゴミ処分場建設と飲料水問題 : 上流域住民vs.下流域住民
- 〈調査報告〉「地方」でのゴミ処分場建設と地域間対立-福島県小野町の事例-
- 〈調査報告〉過疎地域におけるゴミ処理場と周辺都市の対応
- 千葉県下の求人広告にみる雇用状況と地域社会(1)
- ゴミ問題にみる中央と地方の不平等構造(下)
- ゴミ問題にみる中央と地方の不平等構造(上)