- 論文の詳細を見る
Measurements of scale length and circuli of Pacific salmon were attempted by using a personal computer system with image analysis. The system consists of two units, i.e. scale image aquisition and scale circuli measurements. The number of scale circuli and accumulated distance from the nucleus to the edge of scale are automatically measured and filed in computer. Concurrently, the relationship between the number of circuli and scale distance is expressed by a line, characteristic to each species and indivdual fish, indicating the different zone of growth and age. The time for the aquisition of scale image and measurements of scale distance was almost same irrespective of fish species, but the count of scale circuli in sockeye salmon was consistently lower in this system. The present system proved to be useful and reliable for establishing the data base of scale characters analysis with moderate amount of scale samples.
- 北海道東海大学の論文
- 1994-03-25
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