- 論文の詳細を見る
Southeast Asia is unique in that four of the major world writing systems - Indian, Roman, Chinese, and Arabic scripts - have been introduced and used. Of these, Indian and Indianderived scripts have the oldest history and the widest acceptance. While in mainland Southeast Asia, Indian-derived scripts have been adopted as official scripts in many nation states, the use of the scripts has become almost obsolete in Insular Southeast Asia, where the status of official script is given exclusively to the Roman script. Nevertheless, the historical importance of the Indian-derived scripts in Insular Southeast Asia, and the fact that varieties of Indian-derived scripts were (and in certain areas still are) used cannot be overstressed. The types of Indian script that spread in Southeast Asia in the early centuries of the first millennium derived from the Brahmi script of South Indian origin. Subsequently it evolved into varieties of regional script without losing its principal characteristics. The Kawi and Kawiderived scripts were widely used in Insular Southeast Asia, especially in Java, whereas later scripts in North and South Sumatra, South Sulawesi, and the Philippines show more localized development. Whether a society switches from one script to another may involve factors such as linguistic features, external influences on the society, and the mode of use of the script in the society. In Insular Southeast Asia, these factors are as follows. First, the languages in the region appear to be less resistant to a change of script because of their relatively simple sound system. Second, Indian, Islam, and Western (Christian and colonial) influences clearly played a critical role in the change of script. Third, despite external influences, a society may strongly resist a change of script if the script is regarded as an integral part of the knowledge resources of the society.
- 上智大学の論文
- 2002-12-27
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