<論説>チューダー中期の財政危機と国家財政運営 : 国王金庫(King's Coffers)の運用の分析を中心として
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In the study of the financial administration in Tudor period, the role of the financial agencies which were established in 1530's and had the bureaucratic characters, has been to be very important. But, then, the role of the king's household has been underestimated in the theory of 'Tudor Revolution in Government'.In this article, I'll examine the role of the king's household, espicially, the King's Coffers in the Privy Chamber, in Tudor financial administration. As a result, I'll insist that the King's Coffers in the Privy Chamber played the important role in the financial administration of English-French, Scotish war and financial crisis in mid-Tudor period, mainly two points as follows;First, the King's Coffers in the Privy Chamber played the important role in the administration, of not only the king's household, but also war, other public neessity. They were the deposit treasury for the emergency of public finance, too.Second, one of the reason why the administration of the king's coffers succeeded is the establishment of the central control of the financial administration by the Privy Council. The Privy Council positively used the king's coffers to orvercome the difficulties of the financial administration in mid-Tudor period, because they had the characters of unofficiality, speed and flexibility which were the characters of the king's household, too.So, the Privy Chamber, one office of the king's household played the important role in the administration of the public finance, at least till mid-Tudor period. In genaral terms, the entire perception of the main institutions-Exchequer, king's household, and the new departments of 1536-42 as radically different and competitive units in a fragmented financial structure requires thorough revision. On the whole these agencies were not rivals engaged in institutionalized compitition.
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