エドワード六世時代の財政状態 : 1552年財政調査委員会の検討を中心として
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Looking back the financial system in Tudor period, it is almost an accepted opinion that the financial system was basically changed from the death of Henry VII to the accession of Elizabeth I. But, though the study of the financial reforms in 1530s has been advancing, that m 1550s falls behind.So through the analyzing of the revenue commission of 1552, I'm going to make clear a part of financial reforms in 1550s. Especially I analyze this commission in the light of three points which is as follows;(1) the proper place of this commission in Tudor financial reforms.(2) the relation between the financial reform in 1553-4.(3) the reliance of the first section of the report, the financial report in 1550-1.
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- エドワード六世時代の財政状態 : 1552年財政調査委員会の検討を中心として
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