<論文>20 世紀初頭におけるルール地域鉱工業都市のポーランド人 : デュースブルク市ハンボルンの都市化と移民マイノリティの居住パターン
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A large number of Polish people migrated into the Ruhr region between the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. It is well known where in this region they were concentrated. But there is no research which deals with the settlement pattern of the minority in those days within urban space from the sociogeographical viewpoint. It may be understandable, because it is believed that Polish people lived principally in the so-called colony in rural space. In the Ruhr region, coal mining was developed mainly in the Emscher zone from the late 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. There had been only scattered rural settlements in this zone until the late 19th century. Therefore entrepreneurs of the coal mining industry had to offer new housing for the workers immigrated from various regions including foreign countries. The houses were usually two-stories and accommodated a few apartments. Each family could use a rather large garden to grow vegetables. There were often pigpens in the garden or even within the living house, and the immigrants could provide vegetables and meats for themselves. The settlement pattern and the way of life of the immigrants were not urban but rural especially in the Emscher zone of the Ruhr region. Nevertheless, there also appeared settlements of urban type in this zone. The typical case was Hamborn, the northern part of Duisburg of today. In 1910,Hamborn rapidly grew into the youngest big city with more than 100,000 population in Prussia. The purpose of this paper is to make clear the distribution pattern of Polish people in Hamborn in the relation of its urbanization in those days. Several rural parishes amalgamated into an independent municipality, Hamborn, at April 1,1900. This amalgamation was due to the intentions of the men of renown who sought to coincide politicaladministrative space to economic space. Before the amalgamation, Bruckhausen, Marxloh and Alsum had belonged to Beeck and constituted the northern part of this municipality. The center of Beeck was found in the southern part of this municipality where a steel company, Phoenix, was located. On the other hand, Alt-Hamborn, Schmidthorst and Fahrn/Aldenrade had constituted another municipality, the name of which was Hamborn as well. In the 1890s, Gewerkschaft Deutscher Kaiser (GDK), the forerunner of the concern Thyssen, had allocated its shafts, cokes plants, steel mill, private port on the Rhine across the rural parishes through Hamborn and Beeck without relationship with the territorial division between these municipalities. It had also constructed private railways connecting the business establishments and the port. Furthermore, it constructed colonies for the accommodation of its employees in various rural parishes. As a result, the northern part of Beeck and Hamborn became to constitute a united economic space. GDK had been an unrivaled large corporation in this economic space, although there had been two other large corporations, namely Neumuhl coal corporation (Gewerkschaft Zeche Neumuhl) and a zinc manufacturing corporation, Grillo. As shafts were developed one after another and the steel mill of GDK was enlarged, a large number of people of various ethnicity migrated into Hamborn. The largest group was Poles with the Prussian citizenship among the migrant minorities whose ethnicity was another than that of Germans. Polish immigrants constituted about ten per cent of the population in Hamborn as a municipality in 1901. The proportion of foreign citizens to the total population amounted to about fifteen per cent. The proportion of Poles increased to about nineteen per cent and that of foreign citizens to more than twenty per cent by 1910. It is possible to make clear the distribution of Polish people in Hamborn by means of analyzing the historical documents compiled by the then authority. The Prussian authority compiled statistical data of Poles according to enterprises, primary schools and churches. It is
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