日本産テンジクダイ科魚類の動物地理学的研究 : 奄美諸島における特性
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The zoogeography of apogonid fishes in Amami Islands, southern Japan, was investigated, with references to distribution of the Family Apogonidae from Japan. Fifteen genera and 86 species of Apogonidae have been recorded from Japan. The apogonid fishes distributed in Amami Islands are referred to 13 genera and 54 species, occupying 63% of all the Japanese apogonids in number of species. The faunal characteristic of this family were examined at seven localities in the area extending from southern Japan (Satsunan Islands) to adjacent seas of Taiwan by applying Schenck and Keen's method. The definition of the central latitude (C. L. ) is the mean value of the northern and southern extremes of distribution range of any given species, and the geographical latitude is that of each locality. Based upon the central latitude,. apogonids from Japan are classified into 3 groups. The first, temperate group (Group 1), contains two genus tow species, of which C. L. is north of 30゜ N in the northern sector of the northern Pacific. The second, subtropical group (Group 2), contains 4 genera and 15 species, and its C. L. corresponds to the middle sector of the northern Pacific from 20゜ to 30゜ N. The third, tropical group (Group 3), contains 15 genera, and 69 species and C. L. of this group corresponds to the southern sector of the northern Pacific, south of 20゜ N. The apogonid species distributed in Amami Islands, southern Japan, consist of 50% of the temperate group ( Group 1), 27% of the subtropical group (Group 2) and 71 % of the tropical group ( Group 3).
- 奄美大島の海産ハゼ科魚類相
- 対談 荒俣宏の〈万物に叡智あり〉 ゲスト 横須賀市自然・人文博物館館長 林公義さん 天皇陛下のお手伝いで真冬の海に漬かってハゼの採集をしました
- シンポジウム第二部 学芸員って何だろう (全日本博物館学会30周年 横須賀市自然・人文博物館50周年記念シンポジウム 博物館学の源流と先端)
- 講演 横須賀市自然・人文博物館の半世紀 (全日本博物館学会30周年 横須賀市自然・人文博物館50周年記念シンポジウム 博物館学の源流と先端)
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- 日本産テンジクダイ科魚類の動物地理学的研究 : 奄美諸島における特性
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