横須賀市自然博物館附属天神島臨海自然教育園海域の魚類相 : 魚類相の環境指標化への試み
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The author is being conducted a basic research on the fish fauna existing in the coastal waters of the Tenjin-jima Marine Biological Garden, Yokosuka, Miura Peninsula, since 1971. Nature environments of the Tenjin-jima and adjacent sea areas were keeping in good condition from an angle of the nature conservation. During the last few years this coastal environment suffered a change for the beach reclamation and harbar improvement project. In this influence, sand accumulation made remarkable instead of the rocky bottom. So reexamination of the fish fauna was started from a standpoint of the environmental preference and the environmental indicator. Followings were the results obtained in the period of 1992 to 1994. Fishes of 224 species of 83 families were confirmed in this time (219 species in 1971-1973). 60 species from out of 224 species are recorded as new from the Tenjin-jima coastal waters. 46 species are living mainly on the sandy bottom and 123 species are on the rocky bottom. Fishes of living on the sandy or muddy bottom were on the increase (ex. Ophichthidae, Mullidae, Gobiidae, Pleuronectidae). The living types of the fishes were classified as follows permanently inhabitant type, Plotosus lineatus, Ditrema temmincki and 7l other species ; seasonally young migratory type, Aulichthys japonicus, Chaetodon auripes and 44 other species ; feeding migratory type, Oplegnathus fasciatus, Chaenogobius heptacanthus and 23 other species ; temporarily inhabitant type, Acanthurs dussumieri, Rhinecanthus verrucosus and 40 other species ; incidental migratory type, Priacanthus cruentatus, Platax orbicularis and 36 other species. Numbers of species organization showed a tendency to normally in each living type.
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- 対談 荒俣宏の〈万物に叡智あり〉 ゲスト 横須賀市自然・人文博物館館長 林公義さん 天皇陛下のお手伝いで真冬の海に漬かってハゼの採集をしました
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- 講演 横須賀市自然・人文博物館の半世紀 (全日本博物館学会30周年 横須賀市自然・人文博物館50周年記念シンポジウム 博物館学の源流と先端)
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