<報文>ササラダニ類の生態分布に関する研究II : 人為圧との関係について
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"Species composition of oribatid mite communities was investigated in grassland and urban ecosystems in Japan. The mean number of oribatid species from grass-land was relatively low compared with that from forest. Such tendency was found remarkably in short grassland. In comparison with the oribatid fauna of the forest soil, that of the grassland showed the simple species composition. Difference in composition of dominant oribatid species and similarity among oribatid communities were also closely related to the human impact of trampling. In urban area we can find some peculiar patterns of faunal change of soil mites and it is possible to use the patterns as biological indicator of urbanization. These patterns are (1) Decrease in the species number of oribatid mites, (2) Remain of resistant mite species, and (3) Appearance of a few peculiar species, whose habitat is restricted to volcanic deserts, sea-side cliff and large cities. One of them is Oribatula sakamorii. A relation between growth of plants and soil mites was investigated. Nine years after the planting, the density of the mites became 150 times and their species number nearly 5 times as large as those of the initial stage of the forest formation. Dominant species of soil mites are species of Scheloribates spp. during 1st~5th years, then Suctobelbella spp., Qppia neerlandica and Trichogalumna nipponica took the place of the former species during 7th-11th years. For the purpose of sandbreaking some grasses and young trees were planted on sand beach. The species number of oribatid mites in sand and litter decreased gradually toward the sea. Density of the mites did not show, however, a gradual change, but density in the plots of front line with poor vegetation and soil was distinctly lower than in the remaining plots."
- 横浜国立大学の論文
原田 洋
原田 洋
原田 洋
横浜国大 教育人間科学
原田 洋
Department Of Soil Zoology Institute Of Environmental Science And Technology Yokohama National Unive
原田 洋
横浜国立大学大学院 環境情報学府・研究院
原田 洋
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