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A new method for the determination of alkyl leads by using atomic absorption spectrophotometry as a substitute for a doctector of gas chromatography has been established. After alkyl leads were separated by columns, the lead had been atomized into the acctylene-air flame with the carrier gas, passing through Teflon pipes. A peak area recorded on the chart paper is proportioned to each other atlkyl lead content. The apparatus for gas chromatography, which was developed, consisted of an aluminum-made thermostat chamber (28cm in diameter and about 7cm in height) with a column of Teflon tube (3mm × 3m). The instrument of atomic absorption spectrometer used was Shimadzu Multichannel, Model MAF-1, fitted with 5cm slot burner of premixing type. The condition recommended for the determination of alkyl leads was as follows: column temperature; 110℃, carrier gas; nitrogen (flow rate; 40ml/min), lead wavelength; 2170A, hollow cathode lamp current; 8mA, slit width; 0.1mm, acetylene pressure; 0.2kg/㎠ (flow rate; 1.2l/min), air pressure; 1.4kg/㎠ (flow rate; 6.2l/min). Analytical results of alkyl leads in commercial gasolines were found that they contained much methyl alkyl lead in addition to tetraethyl lead. The method may be applied to the separation and the determination of alkyl leads samples with satisfactory results.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
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