- 論文の詳細を見る
Patients referred to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Nagano Red Cross Hospital between April 1998 and March 1999 were studied. The results were as follows: 1. The subjects consisted of 1,925 patients who accounted for 48.3% of 3,985 new patients who visited us during the above period. 2. Eight hundred and forty nine patients were males and 1,076 were females. The third decade showed the highest incidence (418 patients, 21.7%), which was followed by the fourth and seventh decades. 3. The peak incidence was recorded in March (178 patients, 9.2%), whereas December was the month of the lowest incidence of referrals (135 patients, 7%). The monthly and daily average numbers of patients were 160 and of 7, respectively. 4. There were 1,379 patients (71.6%), who were referred to us from other clinics (outside patients), and the remaining 546 patients (28.4%) were referred to us from the other departments of our hospital with the highest referrals from the department of internal medicine. Dental clinics were the source of referrals in the vast majority of outside patients. 5. Geographically, 1,106 patients (80.2%) were from clinics in Nagano city, whereas there were 54, 54, 48 and 41patients from Kamiminoti country, Iiyama city, Hanishina country and Suzaka city, respectively. 6. In terms of disease classification, 791 patients visited us because of inflammation, which was followed by 281 craniofacial deformities, 128 cystic lesions, 104 temporomandibular joint disoders, 72 traumatic injuries, 37 tumors, 35 tumor-like lesions, 28 neurological diseases, 24 salivary gland diseases and 12 blood diseases. The remaining 413 patients had the other diseases.1998年4月から1999年3月までの1年間に、長野赤十字病院口腔外科を受診した新患患者のうち文書により紹介された患者について臨床統計的観察を行い以下の結果を得た。 1.対象期間中の新患患者総数は3,985名で、そのうち紹介患者は1,925名、紹介率48.3%であった。 2.性別は、男性849名(44.1%)、女性1,076名(55.9%)、年齢別は、20歳代が418名(21.7%)と最も多く、次いで30歳代、60歳代の順であった。 3.月別では、 3月が178名(9.2%)と最も多く、12月が最も少なく135名(7.0%)、月平均紹介患者数160名、 1日平均7名であった。 4.紹介元医療機関は、院外紹介が1,379名(71.6%)、院内紹介が546名(28.4%)で、院外紹介のうち歯科開業医からのものが1,223名で、ほとんどを占めていた。他称からの紹介は院内、院外ともに内科が最も多かった。 5.院外紹介元医療機関の地域分布は、長野市からの紹介が1,106名と圧倒的に多く、院外紹介の80.2%を占め、次いで上水内郡、飯山市各54名、埴科郡48名、須坂市41名の順であった。 6.疾患別では、炎症性疾患791例、発育異常・奇形変形281例、嚢胞性疾患128例、顎関節疾患104例、外傷72例、腫瘍性疾患37例、腫瘍類似疾患35例、神経性疾患28例、唾液腺疾患24例、血液疾患12例、その他413例であった。
- 新潟大学の論文
- 2001-07-00
横林 敏夫
長野赤十字病院 口腔外科
鈴木 理絵
五島 秀樹
田尻 朗子
清水 武〔他〕
清水 武[他]
五島 秀樹[他]
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