『ジャウア』におけるオリエンタリズム : その語りの構造の視点から
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Lord Byron's oriental tale, The Giaour (1813) is famous for its accretive narrative structure. William Marshall has clarified some features of its accretive narration, but his analysis is not complete yet. It is quite difficult to specify who narrates what part of the poem. I have tried to show the entire narrative structure of the poem. I have coined the word, the subjective narrator, to indicate Byron's mouthpiece who tells the poet's personal opinions. I have divided the fisherman's narration into three categories: the direct narration, the retrospection and the retrospective fiction. The direct narration occurs when the fisherman is directly involved in the development of the poem's plot. The retrospection delineates how Hassan's family declined after his death. The retrospective fiction, I maintained, comprises the folkloric accounts of the tragic story of Leila, Hassan and Giaour. The fisherman is clearly an Islamite, so his narrative indicates Hassan's dominance over Leila and Giaour. The Christian monk hates Giaour for his negligence in religious services. Giaour confesses to the abbot his crimes, and in doing so he curses Hassan. Giaour's anti-Islamic attitude is in clear contrast with the fisherman's Islamic faith. I have suggested that Byron's direct connection with Islamic culture allowed him to view Islam and Christianity with an unprejudiced eye.
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