ウィリアム・ブレイク作 「病める薔薇」
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William Blake (1757-1827) was a British poet and artist whose paintings and poetic works such as Songs of Innocence (1789), and Songs of Experience (1794) containing the most important short poem titled "The Sick Rose, have a mystical, visionary quality. The purpose of this paper is to help you become a better reader of English poems. Why? Simply because poetry conveys the basic rhythm and beat of the language. This best easy short poem of "The Sick Rose" can be appreciated in a full way by all of us. The key to this appreciation lies in understanding how the poet works skilfully and draws upon our own attitudes and responses in order to create the meanings of the poem. In this paper the author will suggest a technique for reading the poem in order to get the most we can from it. This paper analyzes the rules of prosody of the poem of "O Rose / thou art sick!" (iambic monometre / anapaestic monometre), "The in-vis / -i-ble worm " (anapaestic dimetre), "In the howl / -ing storm "(anapaestic monometre / iambic monometre), ... "Of crim / -son joy" (iambic dimetre) This is an irregular metre. Rhyme in the poem only occurs between worm and storm; joy and destroy. This is also a strange rhyme. The author in this paper examines the symbols and imagery of "rose," "worm." and "crimson" on the basis of the Bible contanung the Old and New Testaments.
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