- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to analyze decision-making process in help-seeking behavior with the information monitoring method. Four simulated situations were prepared in which help became necessary. Eight categories of further situational information were explained, and 67 subjects were asked to indicate which categories of information they would like to see before actually seeking others' help in each of the four situations. The number and categories of information requested, together with their order, were recorded. Also, questions were asked concerning the difficulty, hesitation, and confidence they had felt during the task, and ratings were made regarding how adequate the eight information categories and how real the four situations were. Results suggested that (1) only two steps were taken before a help-seeking decision was made in every situation, and (2) it was made in a fairly fixed pattern in term of the help's possible cost and probable attibutitons of why it became necessary.
- 学術雑誌目次速報データベース由来の論文
- 1995-00-00
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