援助行動および非援助行動における原因帰属の次元 (自己知覚<特集>)
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Various aspects of dimensions of causal attribution for helping behavior and for nonhelping behavior were compared and examined. The subjects made up of 140 university students were rated in terms of each of 25 helping motives as a cause of helping behavior and each of 26 non-helping motives as a cause of non-helping behavior on each of 4 causal dimensions: locus of control, stability, controllability, and globality.<BR>Major findings obtained were as follows:<BR>(1) For both helping and non-helping; subjects perceived differences among 6 types of helping motives (Takagi, 1983, 1986) and 5 types of nonhelping motives (Matsumoto & Takagi, 1981; Takagi, 1987) in causal dimensional location.<BR>(2) For both helping and non-helping; only the correlation between the perceived causal dimensions of stability and globality were significant. The results suggested the conceptual similality between perceived causal dimensions of stability and globality, and validated the orthogonality among 3 causal dimensions proposed by Weiner (1979).<BR>(3) The data from the domains of perceived. causal dimensions for helping and for non-helping were subjected to various multivariate correlation analyses. The results suggested that the pattern of causal attribution for helping behavior differed from that for non-helping behavior.
- 日本グループ・ダイナミックス学会の論文
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