- 論文の詳細を見る
The MS-T 5 and Planet-A are the first interplanetary missions for Japan, and will be launched in 1985 in order to encounter Halley's comet in March, 1986. Since both sattelites are launched by direct ascent scheme, skipping a flight along a parking orbit, the guidance of the last-stage rocket becomes one of the most crucial strategies to be established for these missions. In Part 1 of this report, an algorithm is derived that provides the optimal guidance for an impulsive correction to achieve a given exit velocity vector from the Earth and a software package called EHTOP implementing this algorithm is described. In Part 2,a sensitivity analysis is performed for both rocket and interplanetary phases. Namely, the sensitivity of the exit velocity vector elements is obtained with respect to those of the impulsive control vector as well as to those of the initial eliptic orbit (free-flight orbit after the second-stage burn-out) in the first part. Then the sensitivity of the encounter coordinates with Halley's comet is derived with respect to the elements of the exit velocity vector from the Earth. Finally these two sensitivities are combined in order to observe the effects of such impulsive correction carried out by the last -stage motor on the encounter coomdinates. These sensitivity analyses are incorporated in another software package called SAP.
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
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