<報文>滿俺鑛處理に關する基礎研究(第5報) : 滿俺電著の陰極電位差及び各種金屬面上の臨界電流密度に就て
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The relation between cathodic potential and current density in the electrolytic deposition of manganese from the electrolyte composing of various constituents was measured, using a platinum plate cathode of which exposed surface is 1cm^2. Saturated calomel electrode was used as a standard half cell and the potential difference between reference electrode and platinum cathode was measured at the current densities ranging from 0.1 to 15A/dm^2. The effect of temperature on the cathode potential was studied at the temperatures from 20° to 50℃. The results are shown in Figs. 1〜5,and the following facts were observed : Moderate variations in manganese and ammonium sulphate concentrations do not affect greatly the cathode potential in the manganese deposition, but the crititical current density is greatly increased by rising temperature and decreasing pH. After measuring cathode potential of platinum plate, as a second step, the present writers investigated the critical current density on various metal cathodes which are considered to exist as impurities in the electrolyte. The results are shown in Figs. 7〜10. Though cobalt and nickel in the electrolyte are definitely the most harmful impurities, the critical current densities are not so large. Arsenic and antimony have the largest critical current density of all metals, and that they react with hydrogen evolved at the cathode forming AsH_3 and SbH_3. At 50℃, the measurement was impossible.
- 東北大学の論文
- 1953-09-10
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