<報文>滿俺鑛處理に關する基礎研究(第3報) : 亞鐵酸滿俺に關する2,3の實驗
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Formation of magnetic substances in the samples, prepared by heating the briquetted mixtures of MnO_2 and Fe_2O_3 in various mol-fractions, was examined by measuring the intensity of magnetization. Also with these samples, extraction tests by dil-H_2SO_4 were undertaken in order to examine the effect of the following conditions : concentration and temperature of solvent, and roasting atmosphere, upon the extraction of manganese and iron from the samples by air agitation. The results obtained may be summarized as follows : The magnetism discovered in the samples which had been heated above 900℃ in the air or neutral atmosphere, not in the reducing one, was due to the mangan-ferrite vis. Fe_2O_3・MnO. Although there were some exceptional cases, the fact described above was confirmed by comparing the measured intensity with the calculated value for chemically prepared Fe_2O_3・MnO. Generally speaking, it was found that the magnetization intensity corresponded to the amount of iron present in the sample was prepared in a relatively short time by heating it above 1,000℃, and that the degree of deviation, which would originate in the formation of solid-solution by excess component, from the corresponded value was relatively small. In spite of the fact that the extraction rate of these substance was affected by temperature of the solvent more than by its concentration so far as conditions described above were concerned, the velocity of dissolution was rather slow. Especially, Fe_2O_3・MnO was the most stable. Excess component, which is likely to form a solid-solution with Fe_2O_3・MnO, was not extracted neither preferentially, nor dissolved proportionally. The sample which had been reduced at 500℃ in the current of CO for 1 hour was extracted more than 90% for 1 hour under the same condition as mentioned above. It was found that the possibility of preferential extraction of manganese in the sample, which had been roasted in the suitable gaseous condition obtained by thermodynamical calculations, was rather small, and that those substances were unprofitable so far as extraction by dil-H_2SO_4 was concerned.
- 東北大学の論文
- 1953-03-25
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