<資料・研究ノート>ビルマの壁画 ( IV ) : コンバウン時代を中心として
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。Frescoes painted in the Konbaung period differ in various aspects from those painted in the Nyaungyan period. The main features of the latter have been described in my previous paper entitled "Wall Paintings of Burma in the Nyaungyan Period." Frescoes of the Konbaung period have the following features : (1) The contour of the face of both sexes is oval, while throughout the Nyaungyan period it was either plump quadrangular or upside-down triangular. The protuberance of one side of men's cheeks, which was a remarkable feature in the Nyaungyan period, is not found at all in the Konbaung period. (2) Men of superior position wear long robe-like garments with long sleeves instead of the short, close frocks with short sleeves resembling a T-shirt, which men in the Nyaungyan period wore without exception. They never wear trousers but long loin-cloths, called "pahso", that reach to the ankle. The hair is knotted and tied on the forehead. (3) Outside the palace women generally wear their hair in a bun on the nape of the neck. Though their costume closely resembles that of women of the Nyaungyan period, it may be noted that a long shawl is thrown loosely over the shoulders, and a "htamein", a skirt of great length, which trails upon the floor, is worn. (4) Soldiers carry muskets besides swords and spears. Foreign cannoneers and artillery men may also be found on the walls of certain temples. (5) Perspective is expressed by the upper and lower portions of walls. It can be safely assumed that the method of painting scenes, especially trees, houses and other edifices, became extremely elaborate.
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- Klaus Wenk:Murals in Burma,Vol,1,Paintings from Pagan of the late period,18th Century,1977
- コンバウン時代のビルマの判例
- ビルマ--時により相手により (アジアの歌謡)
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- 人と湖--ビルマ,シャン州インレ-湖の住民たち
- Daw Kyan, Binggala : -thwa : -sadan : , Rangoon : Myanma-Nainggan Thamaing : -Ko mashin, 1963,86p
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- 第 3 回ビルマ総合学会に出席して
- Tekkado-Pinnya-Padetha-Sazaung, vol. I, pt. 1∿4 (1966), vol. II, pt. 1∿2 (1967)
- ビルマの現状
- ボウ・ターヤー著, 『三十志士の凱旋』
- Maung Ba Han, The University English-Burmese Dictionary, pt. I-X, Rangoon : Hanthawaddy Press, 1951-1966,2292p
- 陳孺性編, 「袖珍緬華辞典」ラングーン, イーセイン出版社, 1963,519p
- ウー・アウントー編, ビシュヌ城跡, 大学学術紀要, 考古学局
- Eugenie J. A. Henderson, Tiddim Chin, A Descriptive Analysis of Two Texts, London : Oxford University Press, 1965,ix+172p
- バシン少佐編, パガンの墨文調査報告, ビルマ革命政府文化省ビルマ史委員会
- 国際大学協会編, 『東南アジアにおける高等教育の役割り』, 東京 : 民主教育協会, 1965,147p
- R. K. Sprigg, A Comparison of Arakanese and Burmese on Phonological Formulae : Linguistic Comparison in South East Asia and the Pacific, School of Oriental and African Studies, Univeresity of London, 1963,pp.109-132
- 八木毅, 東パキスタン, チャクマ族の言語 : 愛知県立女子大学紀要第 15 輯, 1964,PP.51-80
- Theodore Stern, A Provisional Sketch of Sizang (Siyin) Chin, Asia Major, n.s. vol.X part 2,1963,pp.222-278
- S. V. Nievyerob, U, Maun Maun jɔ myan ma-ru. sa : zaga : Pyɔ : Saou? Moscow, 1961,pp.327
- 「mou : pan : hlwa」 cau? me khayain myanma sape phyan. pwa ye : at. in : 1963 年 12 月, pp.317
- 荻原弘明, マンナン・ヤーザウィン第五部・第六部, 鹿児島大学文科報告第十号史学篇第七集, 1961 年同第十二号第九集, 1963 年
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