「民族」とジェンダーの民族誌 : 北タイ・カレンにおける女性の選択(<特集>東南アジア大陸部における民族間関係と「地域」の生成)
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。The study of ethnicity has long since moved from a realist version of "ethnic group" which attributes concrete and observable cultural and other traits to such groups, to a more situational, fluctuating, and subjectively defined view of ethnicity. However, little attention has been paid to the fact that even as ethnic boundaries are negotiable and fluctuating, and even as the contents of these boundaries are never substantively definable, it is women more than men who experience the boundaries as less flexible, and it is also women who bear the burden of the "ethnic" symbols, traditions, and labels. This paper addresses this issue by examining the Karen of Northern Thailand, with emphasis on women's choices regarding both reproductivity and ritual practices, which in some ways support women's status at the same time that they confine women's lifestyle. It attempts to analyze the point at which gender and ethnicity cross by discussing the processes by which norms governing women's activities, marriage and motherhood contribute to the marking and substantiating of boundaries. In doing so, the paper describes the scope and orientation of choices made by women, thereby attempting to draw out the various forms of power and constriction experienced by women in the Northern Thai periphery today, and how they choose to cope with them.
- 京都大学の論文
- 椎野若菜著, 『結婚と死をめぐる女の民族誌-ケニア・ルオ社会の寡婦が男を選ぶとき』, 京都, 世界思想社, 2008年, 400頁, 4,800円(+税)
- タイ国ドイインタノン国立公園内における山地民族の焼畑管理が休閑地の植生構造および木本の初期定着に果たす役割
- 序文 (ミャンマー少数民族地域における生態資源利用と社会変容)
- 家と家をつなぐ-バゴー山地カレン焼畑村から- (ミャンマー少数民族地域における生態資源利用と社会変容)
- 北タイ山地における仏教布教プロジェクト : あるカレン族村落群の事例
- 社会空間と変容する宗教
- Mikael Gravers, ed. Exploring Ethnic Diversity in Burma. 2007.
- Negotiating Ethnic Representation between Self and Other: The Case of Karen and Eco-tourism in Thailand (Redefining "Otherness" from Northern Thailand)
- Introduction: Notes Towards Debating Multiculturalism in Thailand and Beyond (Redefining "Otherness" from Northern Thailand)
- 序に代えて(表象・介入・実践 : 人類学者と現地とのかかわり)
- Jane Richardson Hanks, and Lucien Mason Hanks. Tribes of the North Thailand Frontier. Monograph 51. Yale University Southeast Asian Studies, 2001, xlviii+319p.+map.
- 見られる側からのエコツーリズム--タイの山地から (特集 エコツーリズムの展望 楽園への道) -- (出かけてみよう)
- 差異の交差するところ北タイ山地における民族間結婚 (特集:揺らぐジェンダー--地域社会から考える)
- 二つのタイ系諸語族研究集会(1998年於バンコク)
- 「民族」とジェンダーの民族誌 : 北タイ・カレンにおける女性の選択(東南アジア大陸部における民族間関係と「地域」の生成)
- Internal and External Discurse of Communality, Tradition and Environment : Minority Claims on Forest in the Northern Hills of Thailand(Yunnan and Its Surroundings)
- 序 親子から生のつながりを問い直す(親子のつながり-人類学における親族/家族研究再考)
- Seeking Haven and Seeking Jobs: Migrant Workers' Networks in Two Thai Locales
- 序文 (ミャンマー少数民族地域における生態資源利用と社会変容)