1930年代インドネシア民族党の路線変更と地税問題 : loemboneng padjak 設立をめぐって (<特集>インドネシア国民の形成 : 故土屋健治教授を偲んで )
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。During the Great Depression, land tax became more and more burdensome for the peasants in Java because of the impoverished rural economy. P. B. I., one of the most active nationalist organizations at that time, regarded this as one of the most serious problems. Initially, it advocated reduction of the tax and agitated for nonpayment at many villages in East Java. But with the decline of its influence because of supression by the colonial government in about the middle of 1933,P. B. I. was forced to change course, and accordingly it made plans to establish its own warehouses in which to store rice until the lean months (i. e., the end of the year) and pay the land tax from the profit which could be made on its sale later at a higher price. P. B. I. began to excute this plan in 1935,mainly in the Loemadjang region, but smooth progress was hampered by interference from the colonial government, which would not allow P. B. I.'s participation in the tax affair and wanted to maintain the rule of the installment system. This confrontation between the two sides was finally resolved when early payment became possible through reorganization of the warehouse as a corporate body which could get funds for land tax from the P. B. I.'s bank. The peasants who deposited their rice in these warehouses thus became able to pay the land tax with less trouble than before.
- 京都大学の論文
- 1996-06-00
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