オストドナ村農村開発顛末記 : 深管井導入の失敗からの再出発(<特集>バングラデシュ農村開発研究)
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。This is an account of an action research for Austodona Village Development being undertaken under the JSRDE Project, which started several years ago by organizing a tiny village cooperative society. A key clue for village development identified by the villagers was double cropping of rice with a DTW (Deep-Tubewell) irrigation; but the feasibility of this was found to be very low because of the inferiority of water quality and depth of the aquifer. The authors tried to divert the villagers' interest to something else, including pond fish culture and irrigation of vegetables with use of low cost foot-pedal-pumps, before the villagers became disenchanted with the JSRDE project. Now, the Project team hopes to link the villagers' interest in modern vegetable growing techniques with formal extension services at the Thana and Union levels. This idea of establishing a linkage between village cooperative society and local government institutions will be widened to include other activities of rural development.
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