The Management Problems and Research Needs of the Mangrove Forest in the Cimanuk Delta Complex, Ujung Indramayu, West Java
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この論文は国立情報学研究所の学術雑誌公開支援事業により電子化されました。The mangrove forest of the Cimanuk delta complex, Ujung Indramayu, is estimated to cover about 1,500ha and represents an important natural resource in West Java. The mangrove forest area is managed by the Perum Perhutani Unit III (The State Forestry Corporation), West Java. This area is described together with the various problems arising from the present exploitation at the traditional level, for fuelwood, edible vegetables, animal fodder, green manure and other uses. Since the mangrove forest ecosystem supports many commercially valuable marine species, stabilizes the delta area and provides important raw materials for many purposes, its destruction will mean a long-term loss far exceeding any immediate gain. It is important, but it suffers from a lack of management and is threatened by pollutants and expansion of tambak (fish pond) areas. The purpose of this paper is to deal with the issues and research programs on management, conservation and utilization. A series of recommendations is presented which allow for optimum long-term development and preservation while encouraging further research and understanding of the complexity of the factors influencing the future of the mangroves.
- 京都大学の論文
山田 勇
山田 勇
Sukardjo Sukristijono
Indonesian Inst. Sci. Jakarta Idn
Sukardjo Sukristijono
Indonesian Institute Of Sciences
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