- 論文の詳細を見る
About 2,000 years ago, there was a kingdom called Ito in Fukuoka prefecture. For 10 years, author have been investigating many place names in Ito kingdom.^<(1)(2)(4)(7)> I have especially been interesting 16 place names-Kanamaru, Ishimaru, Oumaru, Daimaru, Komaru, Tokumaru, Otomaru, Fukumaru, Miyamaru, Inumaru, Ushimaru, Iwamaru, Namaru, Tsunemaru, Onimaru and Kamemaru, and we call them "Maruchimei". Maruchimei are now discovered all over the country except North Touhoku and Hokaidou. Every distance between Maruchimei and a ruins are measured for the 16,000 ruins divided into 19 eras and 39 prefectures, and the existence rate of Maruchimei within 2 km of the ruins are determined for every eras and every prefectures respectively. Let us suppose that Maruchimei have reached into the prefecture at the era shown the highest existence rate in the prefecture, and we discuss about the relation between the origin of the Japanese and the propagation of Maruchimei. The conclusions are the following : (1) We find out that almost Maruchimei were named in the period from 300 B.C. till A.D. 500 all over the country. (2) The birth place of Maruchimei was in Ito kingdom about 2,200 years ago. (3) From an analogy between propagation of Maruchimei and acoustics, it is clear that Ito kingdom moved into Yamato and became Yamatochoutei government in the late 3 century. (4) Though the racial migration from Kyusyu to Yamato has been called Tousen in Japanese, this report cleared the real existence of the Tousen with the analogy. (5) The propagation of Maruchimei shows the movement of an ancient master race called Tensonzoku. (6) Conclusions are in good agreement with the descriptions in Nihonsyoki and Koziki. (7) It is certain that there is the analogy between the propagation of Maruchimei and acoustics.
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