- 論文の詳細を見る
A wind tunnel experiment has been made on the structure of turbulence in a thermally stratified shear layer. Effects of buoyancy on the mean flow and turbulence structure were studied. Extremely stable and unstable stratified layers were realized. In the stable stratified flow the highest Richardson number is around unity. The velocity gradient either increases or decreases depending on whether the flow is unstable or stable. Correspondingly, the turbulence intensity is reduced with increasing stability, whereas under unstable conditions it was enhanced. The measured thermal flux shows a remarkable difference in stable and unstable layer. With an appropriate normalization the spectra and cospectra speread according to the Richardson number at low frequencies, however, they converge to a single universal curve at high frequencies. This agrees very well with results of field observations.
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
- データ解析の入門書をめぐって : 1976年7月17日
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- Randomizationによる波形変化の数値実験 (層流の安定性に関する非線型問題)