まえがき(1 機体および構造)(II.関連研究)
- 論文の詳細を見る
As described in Part I of the progress report, the main task of the Project ARIS and its succeeding Project SSR was concerned with the development of the single solid rocket of radial burning type having distinctive performance and no definite mission by the synthesis of the results obtained by participated basic works on the concerned field. It is also hoped the feed back of the results found including flight performance to the promotion of the basic researches, because such developmental work would bring forward problems which could not be found by the small scale laboratory works. It is not necessary to make the emphasis here that even the development of a small rocket requires so much amount of participated researches as that for large one, and frequently, there should be more problems to be solved with small rocket rather than that with the large one. This is not an exception for the case of small rocket developed by Projects ARIS and SSR, and as to consolidate the foundation, a large quantity of basic researches performed in the participated fields. So to help the comprehension of the whole aspect of the Project, it is considered competent to compile the reports on the fundamental works performed and contributed to this task. Of course, it is not required to mention that there are the other works which have not been appeared here. In principle, it is made an effort to ask the authors to write in detail as far as possible, and the works compiled here are divided into four groups as body and hardware, motor, propellant and flight performance. The projects will be evaluated further as the contents of the contributed papers might contribute to the progress of the rocket technology.
- 宇宙航空研究開発機構の論文
- シリコーンオイルを浸透させたグラファイトの耐熱性について
- 観測ロケットの空力的加熱
- II.1.9 構造の立場から見たSSRロケットの性能向上の可能性について(1 機体および構造)(II.関連研究)
- 航空の安全についての基本的考え方(退官記念)
- II.2.4 SSRの耐熱コーティング(2 エンジン)(II.関連研究)
- II.1.8 耐熱コーティング材料の実験的研究(1 機体および構造)(II.関連研究)
- II.1.7 SSRの細部構造について(1 機体および構造)(II.関連研究)
- II.1.5 SSRの部品強度(1 機体および構造)(II.関連研究)
- II.1.4 SSRロケットのノズル構造について(1 機体および構造)(II.関連研究)
- II.1.1 SSRの機体設計について(1 機体および構造)(II.関連研究)
- まえがき(1 機体および構造)(II.関連研究)
- フェノール樹脂の耐熱性について
- 積層箔のアブレーション特性について
- カッパIV型用およびその他のランチャーの構造
- ロケットの落下衝撃試験
- カッパIII型ロケット翼の強度試験結果
- カッパIII型用ランチャーについて
- カッパ・ロケット翼の強度試験結果について
- カッパ・ロケット128-J用ランチャーについて
- 観測ロケット用計器検定用の回転試験機
- ロケット・エンジン燃焼室の耐圧試験
- 石けん膜の実験に用いる液について
- 強化ポリエステルの耐熱強度試験
- 自動車の振動試験法とその結果について
- タイトル無し