- 論文の詳細を見る
The move in Triple Salto backward tucked to dismount on the horizontal bar was performed firstly by Andrianof (U. S. S. R) at the world championships 1974,Oct in Waruna. Japanese and Chinese gymnasts performed it late in the day. And so we must acknowledge that it have been actualized in actuality. It will be performed with a position of stoop, a strech of body or a full turn during revolution in the near future. We must consider not only the improvement of gymnasium but also the technique of performing of it. We have found two types on it : Subject S is A type and subject K is B type. We examined the morphologic form of it to compare the subject S with the subject K. Result were as follows. 1. The move of Triple Salto backward tucked to dismount was showed some difference in the position of head, the hip angle and the shoulder angle between A and B type. 2. The height, direction of hip and the efficeency of revolutions of the body in the principal phase depended on the moment knees were bent in the preparative phase.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1979-03-31
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