<研究論文>鉄棒の前方浮支持回転から前振り出し1/2ひねりに関する運動形態学的一考察 (体育学部創設10周年記念)
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The compulsory routine for the world championships of 1978 and the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow have been anounced by the International Gymnastics Federation. A move of Free hip circle rearways forward with 1/2 turn to swing forward is a part of the compulsory routine on the horizontal bar. The move had not been performed with a good excution at a first class-championships, for example, at the 1976 All Japan Championships, at the 1977 NHK Cup Championships, at the 1977 All Japan Student Championships. There are two techniques of performing the move; Hang position (A type) and Handstand position (B type) on the preparatory phase. Whether a performance of the move is good or not we judge by Handstand position on the end phase. We examined a good gymnast and analyzed the difference between A type and B type with a foundation of the velocity curves, the continuous graphs, the track of trochanter major. In the same way we analyzed the difference between a good gymnast and not. Results were as fellows; A) There was no difference between A and B type of a good gymnast morphologically on the principal and the end phase. and when a good gymnast's feet neared the horizontal bar A type showed that the velocity of the whole body increased, but B type showed the velocity of the lower half of body increased. B) There was difference between a good gymnast and not; As soon as a good gymnast released his grip he performed the twist of the lower half of his body on A and B type, however, a poor gymnast did not performed it.
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